Eric Rodgers
Eric Rodgers
Eric Rodgers
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For each medication you take explain to your prescriber your Keto diet and how you need their help in monitoring and adjusting lower your medications as you heal. Point your providers to Metabolic Mind website so they can learn how a Keto lifestyle will improve your health including your mental health!
For each medication you take explain to your prescriber your Keto diet and how you need their help in monitoring and adjusting lower your medications as you heal. Point your providers to Metabolic Mind website so they can learn how a Keto lifestyle will improve your health including your mental health!
For each medication you take explain to your prescriber your Keto diet and how you need their help in monitoring and adjusting lower your medications as you heal. Point your providers to Metabolic Mind website so they can learn how a Keto lifestyle will improve your health including your mental health!
Establish you starting metabolic health status. Print this PDF from Dr. Ede and hand it to your provider then track your improvements in these lab markers over time. You will need extra salt and magnesium on a keto diet.
Establish you starting metabolic health status. Print this PDF from Dr. Ede and hand it to your provider then track your improvements in these lab markers over time. You will need extra salt and magnesium on a keto diet.
Establish you starting metabolic health status. Print this PDF from Dr. Ede and hand it to your provider then track your improvements in these lab markers over time. You will need extra salt and magnesium on a keto diet.
I follow Page 4 for the most part. Also Dr. Westman's book End your Carb Confusion is fantastic! I try to stop eating at least 4 hours before bed. There are many ways to stay in nutritional ketosis animal based keto works for me find what works for you! I have limited carbs to 30 - 50 grams total not net carbs per day for the last 7 years.
I follow Page 4 for the most part. Also Dr. Westman's book End your Carb Confusion is fantastic! I try to stop eating at least 4 hours before bed. There are many ways to stay in nutritional ketosis animal based keto works for me find what works for you! I have limited carbs to 30 - 50 grams total not net carbs per day for the last 7 years.
I follow Page 4 for the most part. Also Dr. Westman's book End your Carb Confusion is fantastic! I try to stop eating at least 4 hours before bed. There are many ways to stay in nutritional ketosis animal based keto works for me find what works for you! I have limited carbs to 30 - 50 grams total not net carbs per day for the last 7 years.
Check blood BHB levels in the morning before eating. I like mine 0.8 or higher. What you may need can be different and what level you need will change over time.
Check blood BHB levels in the morning before eating. I like mine 0.8 or higher. What you may need can be different and what level you need will change over time.
Check blood BHB levels in the morning before eating. I like mine 0.8 or higher. What you may need can be different and what level you need will change over time.
7 hours of sleep per night. Go to bed at the same time every night. Morning sun in your eyes upon waking maybe after breakfast on a walk. Reduce blue light after the sun goes down. No stressful activities nearing bedtime - like NO WORK EMAIL.
7 hours of sleep per night. Go to bed at the same time every night. Morning sun in your eyes upon waking maybe after breakfast on a walk. Reduce blue light after the sun goes down. No stressful activities nearing bedtime - like NO WORK EMAIL.
Walk after meals when possible. Try for 8-10k steps per day as a goal to work towards. Body weight exercises are great. As you are feeling better you will want to exercise more find what you like and do it!
Walk after meals when possible. Try for 8-10k steps per day as a goal to work towards. Body weight exercises are great. As you are feeling better you will want to exercise more find what you like and do it!
Harsh but true avoid alcohol. If you choose to drink you must know ketosis doubles the effect of alcohol one drink equals the effect of two when you were eating the old way. This is important to understand and respect! Fix your food environment remove bad food from your home and don't replace.
Harsh but true avoid alcohol. If you choose to drink you must know ketosis doubles the effect of alcohol one drink equals the effect of two when you were eating the old way. This is important to understand and respect! Fix your food environment remove bad food from your home and don't replace.
Find a low carb community for support on your low carb journey either in person or online. Find a hobby or passion you enjoy and dive into it with the new excitement and energy for life you are gaining! Medication tapering is complex, slow, and difficult. Find a doctor to help you on your journey off medications.
Find a low carb community for support on your low carb journey either in person or online. Find a hobby or passion you enjoy and dive into it with the new excitement and energy for life you are gaining! Medication tapering is complex, slow, and difficult. Find a doctor to help you on your journey off medications.
Monitor your body composition by looking in the mirror and also by seeing how your clothes fit... be prepared to buy new clothes as you slim down! Since you will get on the scale remember you may lose body fat and gain muscle and stay the same weight while getting much healthier! Have your providers and family provide objective feedback on how your mood and behavior are improving.
Monitor your body composition by looking in the mirror and also by seeing how your clothes fit... be prepared to buy new clothes as you slim down! Since you will get on the scale remember you may lose body fat and gain muscle and stay the same weight while getting much healthier! Have your providers and family provide objective feedback on how your mood and behavior are improving.
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Eric Rodgers
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Mia Mendez
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Emily Anne Herrick
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Harmony Bright
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Lauren Kennedy West
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Caroline Beckwith
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Anorexia Nervosa
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Wesley Braden
Bipolar 2
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Neseret Bemient
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Antidepressant Induced Bipolar Disorder
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Eric Rodgers
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Mia Mendez
In remission from
Bipolar Disorder
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Emily Anne Herrick
In remission from
Harmony Bright
Recovering from
Lauren Kennedy West
In remission from
Schizoaffective Disorder
Caroline Beckwith
In remission from
Anorexia Nervosa
Wesley Braden
Bipolar 2
Neseret Bemient
In remission from
Antidepressant Induced Bipolar Disorder
Eric Rodgers
In remission from
Mia Mendez
In remission from
Bipolar Disorder
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